Spedalotto Tonda Iblea Olio Nuovo D.O.P. Organic
- Region: Chiaramonte Gulfi, Sicily
- Cultivar: 100% Tonda Iblea
For 2024, we're thrilled to be offering Vincenzo Paternò di Spedalotto's Organic Tonda Iblea Olio Nuovo from Chiaramonte Gulfi, Sicily. The oil will be flown as soon as it is ready and delivered directly to you. Be sure to reserve your freshly pressed oil right away, so you can experience Olio Nuovo at the same time as the Italians!
- Delivered pricing from Italy to your door.
- Pre-orders only (2 case minimum).
- Pre-orders due by September 27th.
- Delivery in November, in time for Thanksgiving!
Last Year's Harvest Notes
Made with the famous Tonda Iblea olives of the Chiaramonte Gulfi region, Vincenzo Paterno’ di Spedalotto’s Tonda Iblea is a harmonious sensory experience: its green and ripe flavors are in perfect balance. It has a fresh, green tomato aroma and fruity flavor, like taking a bite of a ripe tomato. A delightful complexity is extracted from this single varietal olive, a result of the craftsmanship that goes into the cultivation of rich soil. Spedalotto Tonda Iblea’s approachable flavor profile is easy to love!
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Ordering Info
** Please login to view prices and other wholesale information. If you do not have a wholesale login yet, please contact us.
Product Code | Unit Size | Unit/Case | Case Weight | Unit Price | Case Price | UPC Code |
44021 | 500 ml/16.9 fl oz | 6 | 14 lb/6 kg | ** | ** | 7-93232-44021-7 |
Serving Suggestions & Recipes
Dress salads & raw vegetables.
Pour over fresh mozzarella.
Drizzle over pasta alla norma.
Finish raw crudo or grilled fish.
Drizzle over vanilla or pistachio gelato.